APicture this. Every minute for the next 20 years, 30 Indians will migrate to cities. By 2050, 70 per cent of Indians will live in cities. Nearly 500 cities will be needed in the next 20 years. Well, these are some true hard-hitting facts or rather, results of growing urbanisation.
Whatever one may feel, happy for the growing urbanisation or dubious about supporting this growth, these developments undoubtedly require comprehensive growth of physical, institutional, social and economic infrastructure. All these things are important for improving the quality of life, attracting people and investment, and setting in motion a virtuous cycle of inclusive growth and development. Smart Cities are just a step in this direction.
The origin
The concept of a Smart City originated at the time when the entire world was facing one of the worst economic crises. That was in 2008, when IBM started working on a ‘Smarter City’ concept as part of its smarter planet initiative. Gradually, by the beginning of 2009, the concept garnered attention of various nations across the globe. Today, there are a number of excellent precedents that India can emulate for its own Smart Cities.
A Smart City can be regarded as one which infuses ‘intelligence’ into the urban infrastructure and systems of a city, so that authorities can anticipate problems and deploy resources adequately to solve them. A Smart City is always efficient and faster in identifying and solving basic essential city issues. It also enables optimum savings in energy, transportation costs, efficient governance etc. It creates a sustainable habitat with wiser use of natural resources, reduced pollution levels and low carbon footprint. It thus provides high quality of life, better economic opportunities, safety and good health. It is one wherein, economic development and activity is sustainable and rationally incremental. Above all, the main focus of Smart City is on sustainable and inclusive development.
Keeping in mind the benefits of Smart City, Government of India has recently finalised the list of 98 to-be-developed Smart Cities.
Towards inclusive development
It goes without saying that Smart Cities have the potential to make urbanisation more inclusive, bringing together all the sectors including formal and informal, connecting urban centres with the peripheries, delivering services for the rich and the poor alike, and integrating the migrants and the poor into the city. In fact, developing Smart Cities is all about rethinking cities as integrated, liveable and of course inclusive. Smart Cities always put people first.
Key elements
Elements responsible for inclusive development are precisely the key elements of Smart City as well. They include:
Smart Cities equals smart development
Apart from the key elements, some typical features responsible for comprehensive development are also included in the Smart City mission:
A futuristic vision of urbanisation in India
With the allotment of Rs.6,000 crores ($962 million), India has clearly shown all, the will to build Smart Cities and transform existing cities into high-class urban areas. However, the key question and debate is that despite all the features and elements defined, whether Smart Cities will be all-inclusive so that all classes, irrespective of their financial status will be able to afford to stay there and enjoy quality services.
Well, we don’t know what the Government is thinking on that front, but experts opine, they should develop customised inclusive development plans that can be later integrated with the mainstream urban planning process. Further, in order to live up to the concept of inclusiveness in the Smart City project, the Government should ensure that such cities get proper sanitation facilities and its people breathe clean air and get clean drinking water with 24/7 power supply at an affordable price.
In a nutshell, inclusive development is one wherein, people sans their class, get all the amenities and participate in the growth process, well-being of the planet is ensured, environment is protected and the carbon footprint is in control. So, if Smart Cities are developed as per plan, then inclusive development is very much possible.